I'm not even sure where to begin but I think people are going to get tired of me moaning about work - crazy busy - more than I ever expected. You always know that after a holiday or a break that the kids are going to have a hard time to get back into the groove of everything and these past 2 wks have not been an exception. Everybody has had a crisis or a meltdown. I felt like I had moved into the 1st grade room because of all of the time I have spent in there. You have to love them though - they come up with the craziest questions. I have relearned all of my vowel sounds and See Spot Run Books - it makes me sad to think that my baby girl will be sitting in those chairs in a few short yrs. Actually, all of the kids I work with are great, I think most of the time it is the adults that make things harder than they have to be. Only 8 more wks of school left and then I won't have to spend as muc time in the office anymore - yay!!!
It has been a hard wk in the house for Kyn - I worked till 1 am almost every night and she fought sleep and wouldn't wake up without a fight. Shawn has been working so much and hasn't been home. she misses him so much. When she asks why he has to go to work he jokes around and says "oh because your mom spent all my money or your mom needs money". So know I am the bad person and she tells me to quit spending so much money lol - so not the case. The railroad is swamped and can't seem to figure out track schedules the way the need to be. That's ok, I'll be the bad person lol. Ever since Kyn was born, she has had asthma, allergies, and ear problems - wonderful traits that she inherited from me and my family. Before she got her first set of tubes, she was having ear infections 1-2/month. The dr would just shake his head and say that everything runs straight to her ears. Tubes went in and things improved a ton. 1-2 ear infections a yr. One tube fell out awhile back and we were expecting it. Started getting ear infections every 1-2 months and now both tubes are out and we are getting them every 2 wks. Wouldn't be a big deal but the ear specialist keeps cancelling on us twice now in 2 wks - when they called to reschedule the receptionist wasn't in a hurry to get her in because it was just a re-check and made the next appt for the middle of April. So tom. I have to call them and beg to get her an appt quickly and get the surgery scheduled or find a new dr in OKC. Just praying she feels better. She gets pretty cranky when she is sick and I'm hoping that this passes quickly.
Finally found a wooden swing set that I liked and wasn't going to break the bank lol. Man those things are expensive but it is a good investment. Was planning to go and pick it up yesterday but we spent the day at the dr's office. So today, I am driving Shawns truck to go pick up the new swing set. Hopefully, I make it home with all of the pieces
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