Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why do bad things happen to good people

This week I have asked this question over and over again - why do bad things happen to good people? This past wk has been very tough as many emotions have snuck up on me - maybe it is hormones, maybe I am sensitive because of painful memories from my miscarriage brought up by talking about trying for another baby, or maybe it is just me looking around the world and seeing all of the violence and sufferage. I just started following a blog where a loving couple lost their precious baby. Why did this happen - the baby was healthy, the loved and provided for this child. I've really started to question why I am working in the field of counseling and maybe my bleeding heart can't take much more. Everyday I see kids with bruises, dirty, hungry, and afraid. I see parents who are addicted to drugs and alcohol and won't take care of their kids. I listen to stories of abuse all day at work and then I come home stressed and then see it again on the news. I start off the day with negative news in the paper and end with sad news stories. People ask me everyday how do I do my job and usually they end with - I can't believe you are so happy and together when you do this all day. This wk has just been very draining and I needed to vent. Ethically, I'm not allowed to introduce religion to people who don't know or haven't been blessed with the knowledge and love of God but I can't help to think how much better they would be if they had something to believe in. I know Satan is at work when bad things happen to good people but it is so frustrating when things go wrong and you don't have an answer.

On a brighter note, Kynlee is happy and healthy. She is amazing. She is beautiful, funny, and endearing. I'm ready for warmer weather so we can start walking every night and going to the park. She is going a little stir crazy with the winter blues. Shawn has been busy working and has hardly been home - she misses him so much and I feel bad for her. It was easier when she was little and didn't really notice his absence. Hopefully she can get some Jake time in this wk.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your posting! Come over tomorrow and we'll put up some pics and add music to it. love you!
